Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Spring is sprung

Spring's here, I know this not only because it's the 1st of September (or is it the 2nd already) but because there are daffodils and lambs and blossoms on my crabapple trees. Clearly it's too late to do those gardening tasks I thought I was going to do in autumn and winter. Still only 6 months till next autumn. I'll do them then.

Having The Billionaire's Baby sold really well, reaching number 2 on the Borders/Waldenbooks list and getting some great reviews. And I've had some lovely emails from readers - that's been the best bit of all.

Book number two will be out in January and I've just sold book number three so I'm guessing that will be out sometime around the middle of next year. Feels like I have the beginnings of a career underway.

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